Source code for zen_dash.objects.instances

from enum import Enum, unique
import json
from json import JSONEncoder
import warnings
from pydantic import BaseConfig, ValidationError, root_validator, validator
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union
from import JsonEncoder
from zen_dash.objects.flex_data import FlexData
from import BaseUpdate

BaseConfig.arbitrary_types_allowed = True  # change #1

[docs]class InstanceType(Enum): """ Docstring for class InstanceType Instance Type required for ReturnData :return: Instance Type for Enum :rtype: Enum """ DATE= "date" BOX = "box" TABLE = "table" CHART = "chart" CHECKBOX = "checkbox" RADIO = "radio" SIMPLE_FILTER = "simple_filter" SIMPLE_SERVER_FILTER = "simple_server_filter" GROUP_FILTER = "group_filter" SLIDER = "slider" BUTTON_TOGGLE = "button_toggle" TOGGLE = "toggle" MULTI_LIST = "multi_list" MULTI_TABS = "multi_tabs" MULTI_EXPAND = "multi_expand" INPUT = "input" DOWNLOAD = "download" UPLOAD = "upload" IMAGE = "image" HIGHCHART = "highchart" IFRAME = "iframe" CUSTOM_HTML="custom_html" BUTTON = "button" FORM = "form" FLOATING_BUTTON = "floating_button"
[docs]class BoxData(BaseUpdate): icon: str name: str value: str
[docs]class DateTimeData(BaseUpdate): name: str first_date: str second_date: Optional[str]
[docs]class TableColumn(BaseUpdate): columnDef: str header: str
[docs]class TableData(BaseUpdate): columns: List[TableColumn] data: List[Dict] name: str items_per_page_options: List[int] = [5, 10, 20] items_per_page: int = 5 allow_download: bool = True
[docs]class ChartData(BaseUpdate): name: str data: Dict
[docs]class CheckBoxInstance(BaseUpdate): name: str selected: bool
[docs]class Style(Enum): horizontal = "Horizontal" vertical = "Vertical"
[docs]class CheckBoxData(BaseUpdate): data: List[CheckBoxInstance] style: Style = Style.horizontal name: str
[docs]class RadioData(BaseUpdate): data: List[str] style: Style = Style.horizontal name: str selected: Optional[str] = ""
[docs]class SliderData(BaseUpdate): name: str max: float min: float step: float thumbLabel: bool = True invert: bool = False vertical: bool = False value: Optional[float]
[docs]class ButtonToggleInstance(BaseUpdate): name: str selected: bool = False
[docs]class ButtonToggleData(BaseUpdate): name: str multi: bool = False data: List[ButtonToggleInstance]
[docs]class GroupedFilterDataInstance(BaseUpdate): group_name: str group_data: List[str]
[docs]class InputData(BaseUpdate): label: Optional[str] name: str value: Optional[str]
[docs]class GroupedFilterData(BaseUpdate): multi: bool = False name: str url: Optional[str] data: List[GroupedFilterDataInstance] selected: List[str] = []
[docs]class SimpleFilterData(BaseUpdate): multi: bool = False name: str data: List[str] selected: List[str] = []
[docs]class SimpleServerSideFilterData(SimpleFilterData): url: Optional[str]
[docs]class ToggleData(BaseUpdate): name: str checked: bool = False
[docs]class MultiURLInfo(BaseUpdate): name: Optional[str] with_card: bool = False url: str
[docs]class MultiData(BaseUpdate): urls: List[MultiURLInfo]
[docs]class ReactiveData(BaseUpdate): full_rective: Optional[bool] = False reactive_ids: Optional[List[str]] = [] hidden: bool = False
[docs]class DownloadData(BaseUpdate): label: str url: str name: str
[docs]class ImageData(BaseUpdate): url: str height: str width: str
[docs]class UploadData(BaseUpdate): url: str multi: bool= False name: str
[docs]class HighChartType(Enum): CHART = "chart" STOCK = "stock" MAP = "map" Sankey = "sankey" Funnel = "funnel" Gantt = "gantt"
[docs]class HighChartData(BaseUpdate): type: HighChartType = HighChartType.CHART config: Dict
[docs]class IframeData(BaseUpdate): url: str width: str = "1100" height: str = "400"
[docs]class ToolTipData(BaseUpdate): label: str = ''
[docs]class DialogBox(BaseUpdate): url: str = '' height: str = '60%' width: str = '60%'
[docs]class CustomHTML(BaseUpdate): name: str html: str full_custom: bool = False script: Optional[str]
[docs]class TargetAttribute(Enum): Blank = "_blank" PARENT = "_parent" SELF = "_self" TOP = "_top"
[docs]class ButtonType(Enum): BASIC = "basic" RAISED = "raised" STROKED = "stroked" FLAT = "flat" FAB= "fab" MINIFAB = "mini_fab" ICON = "icon"
[docs]class ButtonColor(Enum): PRIMARY = "primary" ACCENT = "accent" WARN = "warn"
[docs]class ButtonData(BaseUpdate): url: str name: str redirect: bool = False download: bool = False target_attribute:TargetAttribute = TargetAttribute.Blank color: ButtonColor = ButtonColor.PRIMARY button_type: ButtonType = ButtonType.RAISED style: Optional[Dict[str, str]] icon: Optional[str]
[docs]class SubmitFormData(BaseUpdate): name: str url: str
[docs]class FormData(BaseUpdate): name: str submit_info: SubmitFormData form_schema: Dict ui_schema: Dict data: Dict
[docs]class FABStyle(Enum): FAB= "fab" MINIFAB = "mini_fab" ICON = "icon"
[docs]class FABColor(Enum): PRIMARY = "primary" ACCENT = "accent" WARN = "warn"
[docs]class ButtonFloating(BaseUpdate): url: str name: str redirect: bool = False style: Dict[str, str] icon: str fab_style: FABStyle = FABStyle.FAB color: FABColor = FABColor.ACCENT target_attribute:TargetAttribute = TargetAttribute.PARENT
[docs]class UIType(Enum): SESSION = "session" LOCALSTORAGE = "local_storage"
[docs]class UIAction(Enum): ADD = "add" DELETE = "delete"
[docs]class UIData(BaseUpdate): type: UIType action: UIAction value: str key: str
[docs]class ReturnData(BaseUpdate): """ Main return object use for everything except /backend/page_detail, /backend/sidebar, and /backend/title depdning upon which type (InstanceType) you select, you have to select corsponding return value for example, if you select BOX as input, you have to choose box_data as one of input. Example: i.ReturnData(type=i.InstanceType.BOX, box_data=i.BoxData(icon="attach_money", name="User Spent", value="$5000"), footer="10% increase compare to last week ") :param type: InstanceType this will dectate what type of output will be render :param title: Optional[str] tile of mat box in which output will be render """ type:InstanceType title: Optional[str] chart_data: Optional[ChartData] box_data: Optional[BoxData] date_data: Optional[DateTimeData] checkbox_data: Optional[CheckBoxData] radio_data: Optional[RadioData] slider_data: Optional[SliderData] button_toggle_data: Optional[ButtonToggleData] table_data: Optional[TableData] toggle_data: Optional[ToggleData] multi_data: Optional[MultiData] simple_filter_data: Optional[SimpleFilterData] simple_server_filter_data: Optional[SimpleServerSideFilterData] group_filter_data: Optional[GroupedFilterData ] input_data: Optional[InputData] download_data: Optional[DownloadData] upload_data: Optional[UploadData] image_data: Optional[ImageData] highchart_data: Optional[HighChartData] iframe_data: Optional[IframeData] custom_html_data: Optional[CustomHTML] footer: Optional[str] flex: Optional[FlexData] = FlexData() reactive: Optional[ReactiveData] = ReactiveData() tooltip_data: Optional[ToolTipData] dialog_data: Optional[DialogBox] button_data: Optional[ButtonData] form_data: Optional[FormData] floating_button_data: Optional[ButtonFloating] ui_data: Optional[List[UIData]]
[docs] @root_validator def validator_type_match(cls, field_values): # Deprication List if (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.DOWNLOAD): warnings.warn("Download has been depericate in favor of Button, DOWNLOAD will be removed 0.7") if (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.BOX) and (field_values["box_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.BOX, and box_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.DATE) and (field_values["date_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.DATE, and date_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.TABLE) and (field_values["table_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.TABLE, and table_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.CHART) and (field_values["chart_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.CHART, and chart_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.CHECKBOX) and (field_values["checkbox_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.CHECKBOX, and checkbox_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.RADIO) and (field_values["radio_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.RADIO, and radio_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER) and (field_values["simple_filter_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER, and simple_filter_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.SIMPLE_SERVER_FILTER) and (field_values["simple_server_filter_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.SIMPLE_SERVER_FILTER, and simple_server_filter_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.GROUP_FILTER) and (field_values["group_filter_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.GROUP_FILTER, and group_filter_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.SLIDER) and (field_values["slider_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.SLIDER, and slider_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.BUTTON_TOGGLE) and (field_values["button_toggle_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.BUTTON_TOGGLE, and button_toggle_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.TOGGLE) and (field_values["toggle_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.TOGGLE, and toggle_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.MULTI_LIST) and (field_values["multi_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.MULTI_LIST, and multi_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.MULTI_TABS) and (field_values["multi_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.MULTI_TABS, and multi_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.MULTI_EXPAND) and (field_values["multi_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.MULTI_EXPAND, and multi_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.INPUT) and (field_values["input_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.INPUT, and input_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.DOWNLOAD) and (field_values["download_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.DOWNLOAD, and download_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.UPLOAD) and (field_values["upload_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.UPLOAD, and upload_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.IMAGE) and (field_values["image_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.IMAGE, and image_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.IFRAME) and (field_values["iframe_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.IFRAME, and iframe_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.HIGHCHART) and (field_values["highchart_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.HIGHCHART, and highchart_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.CUSTOM_HTML) and (field_values["custom_html_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.CUSTOM_HTML, and custom_html_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.BUTTON) and (field_values["button_data"] is not None): if ((field_values["button_data"].button_type.value not in (ButtonType.FAB.value, ButtonType.MINIFAB.value, ButtonType.ICON.value)) & (field_values["button_data"].icon is not None)): raise ValueError("ICON is not supported for selected button style") if ((field_values["button_data"].button_type in (ButtonType.FAB, ButtonType.MINIFAB, ButtonType.ICON)) & (field_values["button_data"].icon is None)): raise ValueError("ICON is need for selected button style") if (field_values["button_data"].redirect and field_values["button_data"].download): raise ValueError("Redirect and download can be true at same time") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.BUTTON) and (field_values["button_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.BUTTON, and button_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.FORM) and (field_values["form_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.FORM, and form_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON) and (field_values["floating_button_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON, and floating_button_data is missing") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON) and (field_values["footer"] is not None): raise ValueError("footer is not supported with InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON) and (field_values["tooltip_data"] is not None): raise ValueError("tooltip_data is not supported with InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON") elif (field_values["type"] == InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON) and (field_values["dialog_data"] is not None): raise ValueError("dialog_data is not supported with InstanceType.FLOATING_BUTTON") return field_values
[docs]@unique class UpdateInstanceType(str, Enum): """ Docstring for class UpdateInstanceType Instance Type required for UpdateReturnData :return: Update Instance Type for Enum :rtype: Enum """ SIMPLE_FILTER = "simple_filter" BOX = "box" FORM = "form" BUTTON_RESULT = "button_result"
[docs]class DisplayStatus(Enum): WARN= "warn" SUCCESS = "success" ERROR = "error"
[docs]class Display(BaseUpdate): duration: int = 5 message: Optional[str ] status: DisplayStatus = DisplayStatus.SUCCESS
[docs]class DisplayDialog(BaseUpdate): height: str = '500px' width: str = '500px' custom_message: str
[docs]class ResponseFormData(BaseUpdate): redirect_url: str
[docs]class UpdateReturnData(BaseUpdate): type: UpdateInstanceType simple_fitler_data: Optional[List[str]] box_data: Optional[BoxData] display: Optional[Display] display_dialog: Optional[DisplayDialog] response_form_data: Optional[ResponseFormData] ui_data: Optional[List[UIData]] button_data: Optional[ButtonData]
[docs] @root_validator def validator_type_match(cls, field_values): if (field_values["type"] == UpdateInstanceType.BOX) : if (field_values["box_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.BOX, and box_data is missing") if (field_values["display_dialog"] is not None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.BOX, and display_dialog is not supported") if (field_values["display"] is not None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.BOX, and display is not supported") elif (field_values["type"] == UpdateInstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER) : if (field_values["simple_fitler_data"] is None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER, and simple_fitler_data is missing") if (field_values["display_dialog"] is not None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER, and display_dialog is not supported") if (field_values["display"] is not None): raise ValueError("You have selected UpdateInstanceType.SIMPLE_FILTER, and display is not supported") elif (field_values["type"] == UpdateInstanceType.BUTTON_RESULT): if field_values["button_data"] is not None: if (field_values["button_data"].redirect and field_values["button_data"].download): raise ValueError("Redirect and download can be true at same time") return field_values
[docs] def json(self): d = self.dict() return json.dumps(d, cls=JsonEncoder)